I bought the Tonto as an alternative to the larger sling bags and messenger bags I've had for a number of years. It is the right size for my work locker (which is unnecessarily small) and holds all of the tools I need if SHTF and I get held over shift for a prolonged period of time. I have found that just as it is I can fit a ridiculous amount of gear into a very compact setup that sits nicely on the hip or the small of my back. The included divider, pockets, and stabilizer strap are immensely helpful. The bag is very strong and has withstood me tossing it into my messy car trunk and my aforementioned compact locker. It doesn't have a single bit of wear in the 3 weeks I've been using it daily. Currently I have my personal medications, a couple chargers and cables, a backup battery, my Leatherman, my new Mininch tool, a couple pocket reference guides for NP school, pen light, pens, noise-cancelling headphones, travel comb and travel toothbrush, small tube of toothpaste, Wet Ones wipes, Cottonelle Wipes, no-water travel soap, my iPad mini, some lip balms, glasses, Shout wipes, glasses cleaning wipes, spare keys, and a couple lighters. I still have tons of room to spare and you can't even feel the weight of all that stuff on the shoulder. I've also reconfigured it for my NP stuff like Sheers, Reflex Hammers, Tuning Forks, a couple BP cuffs, a couple of Littmann stethoscopes, Welch Allyn Oto and Opthalmoscopes, pen lights, and reference books when I'm at clinicals. I'm looking forward to getting some expansion pockets/pouches for it to further customize it. I'm getting my CHL as well and the internal panel for concealed carry has me excited for further possibilities! By the way, the Black is gorgeous in person (good friend of mine at work has it in black) but I snagged the Coyote to stand out and God is it slick looking. The back is water resistant and cleans so easily.